
Angola is a Republic, based on executive, legislative and judicial branches. The political regime is a presidential system, in which the President is also the head of the government.

The executive branch consists of the president (Dos Santos) and the government. Each of the 18 provinces is headed by a governor appointed by the president.

The legislative branch is represented by the National Assembly. It consists of 5 Political Parties: MPLA - Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, UNITA - National Union for the Total Independence of Angola, CASA-CE - Broad Convergence of Angola’s Salvation-Electoral Coalition, PRS - Social Renewal Party and the FNLA - National Liberation Front of Angola.

The judiciary is composed of the Courts.

Angola attaches particular importance to issues related to international peace and security, especially in Africa. Angola continues to fulfill its obligations and assumes its responsibilities in the Great Lakes Region.

The Republic of Angola rejects violence as a means of settling disputes, only the search for peaceful solutions through dialogue and consultation can ensure the safety of the civilian population and the political stability.


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